H.E.S gateway is precious to us because it represent our culture and the students and the teachers that have been in this school more than 100 years.
HES has a gateway to welcome people like visitors and parents.
The gateway has guards to protect our school.
There is a beautiful gateway near the main entrance of Hamilton East School in Hamilton/New Zealand 3216. It shows things about the school.
There is the god on the very top of the gateway. It represents the acknowledgement of the gods/what you believe.
At the top right of the gateway is Hotumane.
FACT: Did you know that the school gateway is a few years old?
FACT: Did you know that the gateway is made out of brown wood.
The top right is representing teachers.
DID YOU KNOW: past students and teachers is represented on the top left. But it’s hard to explain where it is exactly/perfectly.
The gateway is precious to the school. On To Toanga are Māori designs like the fantail, lizard and silver fern.
The gateway keeps us away from danger. It represents the boys and girls, and the guardians. The guardians help us live.
Our gateway means boy and girl students. It also means our guardian. On the gateway the teachers are represented also.
To Taonga
The gateway has Māori gods. The report happend yesterday. This is reported to people to help them learn about Māori. Māori people made the H.E.S gateway. The gateway is made in H.E.S. When you enter H.E.S you’ll see the gateway. The teachers are on the top right side. Boy students are on the top right side. The Maori gods are on the top! Lizard on the bottom east right side. Guardian on the top of both sides.
On the top of the gateway are some images that stand for the current boys and girls of H.E.S.
To Toanga. Hamilton East School has a gateway to welcome people like parents or visitors the taniwha is on the bottom left.
H.E.S has a precious gateway. It was carved a long time ago. It is called To Taonga. There is a fantail, lizard, taniwha, silver fern, girls, and teachers. Mahehe looks out to the pa site from the top left of the gateway. On To Taonga is the taniwha. He shares the job of representing the maori culture with the fantail and lizard. On the two sides are guardians. To Taonga is very, very, very precious.
To Toanga
Mahehe got launched from a tree to the other side of the Waikato River. The fern represents the All Blacks that came to this school.
At HES we have a gateway, it is precious to us.
HES has a gateway.
The gateway is tall. It has cool carvings all over it with a fantail, a lizard, and a silver fern. Maori must have carved it long, long ago. At H.E.S <Hamilton East School> the gateway is very, very precious to all of Hamilton East School! On the sides of the gateway there are guardians. There are Maori faces on the gateway.
At Hamilton East School we have a To Taonga. It means gateway. The gateway has a fern and a taniwha. The fern means sports players that came to this school.
Hotumane apparently got catapulted by a tree that was bent. He also came back. He also lived by the river before the settlers.
Our gate is called To Taonga. On the gate it has a girls and a boys side. On the gateway it has a fantail. It is called to taonga, our treasure. A lot of images make up the gateway.
At HES there is a precious gateway.
At Hamilton East School we have a gateway. The gateway means To Taonga. On the side of the gateway there is a guardian. On the top right are the teachers. Mahehe looks out to the Pa site from the top left of the gateway.
The guardian looks after us and helps us.
To Taonga is H.E.S precious gateway. The Waikato river mean that we are close to the Waikato. Mahehe means that he looks out over people walking past. The gate is a treasure to us. The head is dedicated to and an acknowledgement of the Ngati Haua people.
The taniwha, fantail, lizard represent the spiritual values. Hotumane got catapulted across the river by a big tree that was bent back.
The guardian is so the Pakeha got scared and ran away. On To Toanga is a taniwha he shares the job of representing Maori values. Settlers and Māori are represented.
On the gateway it has a taniwha, a lizard and a fantail. Mahehe and Motumaewe built a pa just down from where HES is now. As you can see. Mahehe’s head is turned out over the pa area.
The teachers are on the top right.
Mahehe look out to the pa site from the top left of the gateway.
On To Toanga is a taniwha. He shares the job of representing the maori values with a fantail and a lizard. On the top of the gateway are some images that stand for the current boy and girls of H.E.S.
If you can see at the top there are these 2 sides. They are girls and boys. The girls are to the left and the boys are to the right.
At Hamilton East School we have a gateway called To Toanga. The fern is for all of the sport stars that used to come to this school. The Koruru is an acknowledgement of god. The guardian is to keep our school protected. The Taniwha, lizard and fantail represent the Māori values. Mahehe looks out to the pa site from the top left of the gateway.
Koru patterns are for the plant life of the Waikato River.
The koruru is the acknowledgement of god. The gateway of
Hamilton East School is precious. The fern is for the times that sports champions came to school.
Look at our beautiful gateway. But what do you call it and what does it mean?
Did you know that all the koros on the HES gateway are represented as the Waikato river?
Room 10 is a Year 5 and 6 class who are part of the Kauri Team, at Hamilton East School in New Zealand. Our kaiako is Alexander. This is where we will be sharing our learning journey.
Friday, 24 February 2017
To Toanga
Monday, 20 February 2017
Saturday, 18 February 2017
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
Drone writing
The Drone.
One day we went down Putikitiki so we can make the letters HES (Hamilton East School and when I looked the drone was going up it was hard because of the sun hurting my eyes so I had to put my hands over my eyes and I was thinking about “Oh, my gosh, I’m so far up!” and I also thought that the drone saw these kinds of birds: blackbirds, seagulls and brown sparrows.
Two weeks ago we had a drone come to our school. The whole school formed the letters HES. Suddenly the drone took off in a zoom of it’s propellers. Everyone started to wave. It went up, and up, and up! The drone had a camera on it. It took a video of the whole city. It was the hottest day ever. Zari and my eyes were watering.
I stood on the floor then I went up, up, up. I could feel the hot breeze in the air, then I saw trees circling me. We made H.E.S. I think “Where am I going to land? Am I going to land?”
I think harder, “Is someone controlling me?” Now I finally go down.
I looked up. In front of me were colourful things, moving and shaking their long bender grabbers. Seconds later I was up in the air! The colourful friendly things spelt HES. I had no clue what that meant. I turned around and I saw the world. There was very, very big broccoli and beeping noises. The sounds came from little robots. They were shining lasers. I didn’t want to look so I turned. I felt free like a bird soaring into the sunset. I got tired so I went below. I was spinning and spinning. I was really dizzy. I went closer and closer then I suddenly looked to the world one more time. I felt like I was on top of the world. I wish the clouds were cotton.
I was taking their video. I saw the city and the trees. I wondered what were those things. I wondered what was the H.E.S. I saw a lot of trees and houses. I heard a lot of noises. I saw the mountains.
The drone saw some big trees and some kids making HES. He was a little bit scared but not many. The drone was moving very slowly. There was car noise and it was all noisey but the drone flew up.
This is my first time flying . I smell the green grass. I feel the great shining wind. I see the best thing ever. I see cabbage? That is not cabbage, that is trees. I taste the leaves. The drone was near the birds. The birds flew past him. Wait, are those ants?
The Drone
When the drone rises it looks and there are these colourful ants. He wonders if the ants were really ants. When it rose higher he saw giant broccoli. Was it giant broccoli? No!! It was trees he thought. He looked the other way and saw a yellow and blue snake castle.
I see a whole bunch of loud children waving at me. Oh no, I’m going up, up, up. This is so boring, it’s a part of my daily routine. It’s so loud up here. There are birds chirping and wind blowing and aeroplanes flying by. What is that? Did the children draw on the grass or is that millions of ants, spelling H.E.S.? Now I’m feeling terrified going to another area that is Whaea Georgia’s house. I wonder if I can touch the clouds and the top of the redwood tree? Why do I have to do this? How would Daniel feel if he would have to do this? Am I landing? Finally, yes, back down again. I wonder if that’s a giant bundle of cabbage and broccoli and I’m starving, even though I’m a robot drone that flies. What is that? A giant terrifying snake that can eat anything it wants.
The drone thought it was little ants on the ground or black, green, blue, and red hats on the ground. A mixture of them. It thought, how did H.E.S. make this? How far up am I? He might have thought it was little - big to small. He might have thought the trees were broccoli. He might have thought that across the field was a yellow snake, and the people were ladybugs.
I can see the school and it is blue, green, black and red. I can see fast cars and kids. I can see homes and the city. I think, how many kids? I can fly and I’m brave. I see kids waving at me. Was that yellow?
I am a drone. The drone sees HES. I see lettuce giants. I see some broccoli and I look at something yellow and I thought it was a snake. So I went down and it was only a slide. When I went up the broccoli was only trees! When I went up to the clouds I thought it was candy floss. So I took a bite. It was nice. I went down and has a nice sleep.
And left off, the drone flew up in the air. The drone could see people and they’re waving at the drone. The breeze is flapping soft and hard. The drone could see cars driving across the driveway and pools with homes. The drone would think: How far am I? How many people are down there? The drone was feeling not right. The drone could hear the birds flapping like a hippo jumping in the water. The drone could hear people saying “Look! Hi!” The drone could hear birds waving and flapping and trees swaying around in circles. The drone would feel kind of frightened and brave and kind of terrified. The drone could feel clouds going through the drone and making it not fly again. The drone was on the ground and everyone came and saw the drone.
Up, up, up I go. Looking down I see light green trees around all areas with birds in them. But they look like broccoli and there are heaps of trees. The city, so lit by the sun. Everything is the same as usual. Boring! I thought, “He’ll take me somewhere fun.” “Wait! Do I hear something? Oh it’ll just be me flying through the air.”
I’m bored to death here. I wish he’ll take me somewhere fun.
Wait! I’m touching the fluffy, white clouds. The air is brushing against me. Finally, I feel amazing.
“Oh, I see something, a word that says...H.E.S. Wow! They’re waving at me, yay! I’m famous. I’m going down, down, down to the ground. I had a very good day today. I saw the town, the loud kids waving at me. It was great!
I can glance at cars and teachers and classes and the city. What can I think? Can I get it all in the picture? What can I hear? A white car noise. What can I feel? Scared. What can I touch? Cloud, soft, candy floss. I am flying. I can see grass. I can see people walking.
It goes like biizz. The trees look like some cabbage. When you’re up high it looks as though we are ants. When the drone starts to take off it could see us waving. It could see some little tiny things moving around, and the Waikato River. It looks green in there.
The whole school went down to Putikitiki. We saw the drone. It flew higher and higher. I could see us. The drone stared at the whole entire city. It might have felt the clouds. The drone was really high! It might have thought that the tree was broccoli. I think, “When am I going to land? Maybe in the USA, maybe in Australia.” I could hear. I saw birds flying past. I saw trees. The drone saw mountains. The drone stared at the Claudelands Park and Boys’ High field. It might have thought the trees were cabbages or broccoli. It might have felt the soft cloud. It could see us too.
I am scared high in the sky. The children have made a HES. I think they have put coloured paper on the field. I can see the whole of Hamilton. I can see lots of people waving at me. I am flying high in the sky. I think I might drop down to the ground. I wonder what that tiny black dot is. It might be heaps of ants stacked on top of each other. I think I can see some giant broccoli.
I think the drone could see us making the HES. The drone sees the humongous city. The drone could see all the cabbage and redwood trees. It could see all those kids waving. The drone could see the Boys’ High field. The drone could see all the classes in Hamilton East School. The drone could see the bouncy clouds. The drone could see some tiny cars moving across the black and white road. The drone could hear some birds chirping. The drone could feel the wind blowing against the drone. The drone could feel the bouncy clouds going through the metal. The drone could see the kids with colourful tee-shirts.
The Drone
When the drone started gliding he wasn’t scare but after the drone went higher and they got scared. Then the drone got brave, then he smelt the wind and saw the HES sign and saw all the kids waving at him, plus they were talking. The drone thought people painted the HES sign but it was just the kids creating the HES sign. The drone was taking a video and photo of us. The drone was thinking about if he would fall but he went higher again. He thought the trees were lettuce. Also the drone saw the playground. There was a slide and a swing.
If I was the drone I will see kids forming hes and I will see the class. I couldn’t hear the cars framing past. I feel strong and I feel the heat. I wonder why the kids formed HES. I think the H stands for Hamilton and the E stands East and the S stands for School. All together it spells Hamilton East School, in short Hes.
When the drone was on the ground it was going even higher and it was making a noise like this - gggaaarnn. It was making a video and a picture. We made HES and he thought we were ants. He was going up and he saw a person and he saw my cousins and me.
I see the naughty kids. I fly high. I can see Hamilton East School children. I am looking for a place to land. I can see the country. Some colourful cars are in the video. Two slides are there. There are many trees. There are many houses. My fans help me to fly. I have four fans. I know HES means Hamilton East School. I have lights to see in the dark. I can see the birds.
If I was a drone I would feel nervous going up in the sky. When I went up all the clouds look like candyfloss. I stop in the lovely sky. I feel the wind. It gave me goosebumps! So I went down but then I went up and up into the sky. I look down. All the kids look like ants. I start to get higher so I took a big bite out of the clouds. I took a fly around Hamilton, then the school and cars. I start to get sleepy but then I went down. Then I went up, up, up. Then I went down. I said “What an adventure!”, then I went down to sleep.
“Wow! I can fly but why am I going so high? I look down, I can see the city the I saw a field of flowers shaped as HES. I felt scared. I heard car noise and kids swearing. I heard a lot of noise. I felt the wind. It gave me goosebumps. I feel nervous. At last I landed then everyone came crowded around me, but then I went home.
I’m a drone and I can see people moving around. I wonder what they’re making? There is heaps of screaming down on the ground because they’re trying to say HELLO very loudly so I can hear them. I started to wave back and that made me feel absolutely fantastic. When I was high in the sky I felt humongous blobs of fluffy air, and also I could smell food and taste air. I took some pictures of them and after all that big fun I went home. I felt a bit sad so I said one last goodbye then I went home. Actually, I forgot to tell you one more thing… I saw the whole of Hamilton! The city of Hamilton was so, so, so BEAUTIFUL. I thought that all the trees were big fluffy broccoli and cabbage, but they were not broccoli and cabbage they were trees.
The drone
When flew up in the air I felt like I was some kind of superhero. I saw cars and trees, for a second I thought the trees were Enormous Broccoli. I saw these ants, well I thought they were ants until I noticed that the ants were waving at me. As I look closely there were MONSTERS and then I thought about it and I realized it was humans waving at me! I tried to wave back. As I got higher I was scared I said “what if I collapsed on the ground”. I went between the clouds. I felt the clouds. It felted like cotton candy, as I tasted it, it just tasted like a pillow! As I went higher the humans or kids were trying to spell something. When I was reading it spell H.E.S. I wonder what did they mean as H.E.S. I landed on the ground safely. I was glad I landed on the ground safely.
I awoke seeing myself in a sudden case. Suddenly someone opened the case and puts me on a bench. I flew up up & away. I could see different green shaded fluffy broccoli. I saw huge atoms in the colour red, green, orange, blue, yellow, black, brown, purple, white. I zoomed in closer, suddenly there were children. They were spelling the letters HES (Hamilton East School). I went higher and I could see Claudelands park & Claudelands arena where the A&P shows are. RED, ORANGE coloured lasers bursting my eyes. I was slowly going down as I fell asleep..
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Monday, 13 February 2017
Wednesday, 1 February 2017
We split into groups to think and talk about everything we could remember from the toolkit. Check out our amazing WORDLE!
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Haiku Poetry
Kia Ora! Here's another update from what we've been up to in room 10! This time it's about our writing - we've written Hai...

Kia Ora! Here's another update from what we've been up to in room 10! This time it's about our writing - we've written Hai...
Phoenix H.E.S gateway is precious to us because it represent our culture and the students and the teachers that have been in thi...
We were lucky to have a Science Box in Room 10 last week. It was based on the story of how Maui Slowed down the Sun. We undertook three dif...