A woosh of wind hits my face. The sound of a giggle hits my ear. The grass shivers in a path between people. I wonder if it's just kids giggling and there's a bit of a breeze in the air. We get called into the marae I hear someone singing.
"I'm going to pull some pranks, I'm going to pull some pranks, I'm going to pull some pranks, I'm going to pull some pranks hehehehehehehe"
When we get in the marae I felt my hair being fiddled with. When I look back my hair is plaited. It was in a ponytail
I said to Raedence, Phoenix, Anna raua Cassia,
"Did you notice that my hair has changed? I think that someone messing with the wrong person."
We seat ourselves under the shelter people are talking at the front of the shelter, people that want to have a hongi with the people the belonged to the marae. As the students\teacher walk to have a hongi they will get to their head nice and gently. Then they will get called to explore around the marae some kids went over to a big huge tree. Some kids thought that there was a bird in the tree in the hole so they stuck their hand in the hole and got pricked.
The kids went the wharekai and then suddenly the food disappeared in a blink of a eye. We had to get all our stuff together and go to school.
As I walked on the bus I heard a voice in my head, "all the stuff that happened is the taniwha messing it all up"
We had a long drive back to school. As we left the marae I saw the taniwha for some reason. It's probably because I know what he has done.
Written by Devon
The Taniwha at the Marae
The taniwha waves his golden and blue tail at the gateway He sleeps waiting for the kids on the HES bus to come.
Then the bus came all the kids. All the kids run off the bus to the gateway. The taniwha ran at to the back.
Written by Eden
Taniwha at the Marae. 
By Cassia Pace
I am the taniwha of H.E.S.
I am green and blue like most taniwhas I have red devil ears and very sharp teeth.
The school is going to the marae.
It is a good time to play pranks.
I am very sneaky so I never get caught.
First I will do scratches on the gateway.
I’m bad if I push so I’ll just fly to the gateway.
“Oh no, they're coming!”
“Did you hear something?” said Anna to Cassia, as they walked to the gateway.
“No” said Cassia shaking her head.
“Okay then” sighed Anna.
“Dut i heard someone talking ha a kid must have talked”Laughed Cassia.
I run to the building and put my other prank into action.
Climbing up the tree and waited until everyone went into a building.
I called all the bats in the town and they come and sat in the tree.
It’s day[you can’t go to the marae at night]so the bats are wide awake.
It will look like there's a new kind of bat and they have to research it.
The bats look scared of the hot sun.
The kids had just come out.
I jumped into some water turned into a blue color so none saw him.
“I like the water here”said Cassia.It’s so clear”
Into another building[do they ever stop working do they]
Okay good to go!
She walked into the wharekai .
She was hungry now they won’t mind if i had a bite.
So she ate everything in there.
Everyone found out about the sketches and bats by now.
So they came into the house she was in. She was so scared she jumped up onto the roof and stayed there until they left.
She was so scared she became the taniwha of the marae.
“Wow it seems more peaceful now.”Said Cassia.
“Yeah.”agreed Anna.
And they laughed.
My Taniwha
This taniwha is a size of a building and tower.
His sees people taking at the marae.
“I’m hungry” said Tyson,
“I want to leave” said Nick.
“I hope I can see a taniwha” said Nishant.
My taniwha is going to prank people
My taniwha is rough to people, he is going to blink with two eyes.
My taniwha hear the kaia.
My taniwha is hungry for food, he want halal, beef mince.
My taniwha feel like he is not here. My taniwha is going eat the food, he was hungry so,so,so hungry.
He sneaked in when no one saw him. He blinked his eyes and Tyson said “I saw something”
The taniwha sneaked in and ate all the beef mince.
Then he ran out to the bus.
Written by Hassan
My taniwha
My taniwha is 8 grams. He whistles when he is scared. He feels hungry and he can hear the kaia. He is a welcoming taniwha. He is bad /good he was scared when the people were doing Kapa Haka. He was trying to be bad. He is at the marae. The taniwha is invisible and he was eating all the food and the people were shocked. The people ran into the welcome house and did their karakia.
“E tu tatou mo te karakia timatanga”
They heard knocks *one two three* and they ran to the meeting room and told the cook. Matiu and Eden felt a tickle on their feet. Tom screamed. The kaia is calling and she wants everybody to meet at the meeting room. They ran to the meeting room.
Written by Hodan
The taniwha over heard that HES was going to a marae. So he snuck on to the roof of the bus!
He was right on top of Isla and Zari! He could hear them going chit chat.
Then they got there. He snuck out. Anna felt a gush of wind, she looked down, no nothing there. Finally he got to the front of the crowed. Then he saw some huge trees.
The taniwha snuck into the marae, without getting called in! Even though he was invisible! He went into the wharekai. Sneak sneak sneak, he he he.
He followed up {he was in heaven}. Everywhere he looked was food. He ate roast duck, sushi, cooked fish, coco pops and ricies.
He thought “dig in”. Soon enough he got full.
So he follow down. Then right in front of him was a huge pool!
Everyone saw.
So they went in too!
The taniwha was sooooooooooooo HAPPY he skimmed along the bottom!
Written by Isla
Hi room 10 nice story's keep it up making story's from where have you been. Ivan& Ashen